Day 12: Finding Connections And Winning Beans

Today I learned that capitalism emerged from the growth of the merchant class within the European feudal system. While nearly everyone else was stuck in their social class positions, due to the relative autonomy of city-states and the need for mobile merchants, a money economy began to develop and the businessmen began their slow but sure climb towards the top. Seeing as the emphasis on individuality also grew out of the collapse of the feudal system and people no longer based their identity on the aforementioned hierarchy, I don’t think it’s unfounded to suppose that consumerism, or expression of identity through material things, grew out of these two shifts.

When people asked me why I chose international relations, or peace studies, both before and after coming to England, though I usually tried to give some semi-standard response, really the most honest answer I could ever give was ‘to find out how the world works’. That could mean so many things, and I mean it in every sense of the phrase. So the book I began today which included that bit of historical insight was fantastic for me. Exactly what I came here to find out – how everything is connected, not just in the present but spanning over centuries.

Everything, everything is connected, and my whole purpose for studying is to find out exactly how it’s connected, whether it be through history, geography, politics, philosophy, psychology, science, social science, sport, or art. Logic would point to the impossibility of learning everything about everything, but I’m going to put off narrowing choices for as long as possible.

That’s probably the main reason I didn’t pursue one of my more explicit loves as a major. I love music, but I never really considered going for it as a career. I love writing, and maybe someday I’ll even put something proper out, and though I’d absolutely love to study it full-time, that’s not been a serious consideration for me at this stage of my life. I guess that’s because if I love something I know I’ll continue to do it even if it’s not what all my deadlines consist of. This way, I’ll have a day job and plenty of hobbies, and won’t turn myself off what I love by overdoing it. Oh, yes, many would question the availability of post-graduation employment for scholars of a field as vague as peace studies, but being as broad as it is, if I do it right, I’ll have no problem securing work. Not worried about that. Just trying to read/take in/learn as much as possible.

Pity I have to skip over so much interesting reading to pick out relevant information for my uber-short 1500 word essay, er, both of them.

What does all this have to do with Christmas in London? Well, my dear, as I believe I’ve quoted before, all shall be revealed in Chapter 33. Or as Ryan Higa (a.k.a. nigahiga) would say, “All shall be revealed in about thirty minutes (you do realise we’ll have to edit that part, right?)”.

Oh, we won beans at Pub Quiz tonight for having the best name, so we partied late with eggs, bacon, and beans. English breakfast. First time we won anything at Pub Quiz. I think the MC likes us, and feels sorry for us.

He’s cool.

You’re cool.
