Everyone Has An ‘Is Anybody Out There?’ Moment Sometime, Right?

(I probably do too-long titles, in general.)

I’m really dissatisfied with this site. I’m dissatisfied with a lot of things at the moment, but this is one thing I really don’t like and feel like I should be able to change but so far haven’t been able to. It feels inefficient and ugly. I want it to be simple but appealing, light but deep. But I don’t know how to do that. I could go really minimalist and strip it down to a single blog, but I also like organisation and I do have a lot of different topics and ideas.

Maybe the problem is that I created the framework before the content. I made the TCK section before actually writing any TCK stuff. I thought it would come quickly but I’ve been preoccupied with my real life (and of course a sizeable amount of time-wasting) and it hasn’t.

That’s why I need you guys to let me know what you think and what you want. I feel like I’m always asking that, but then I saw another site with a similar request and I thought, “I don’t really know you, man, just be yourself and put out what you like.” So I guess it’s stupid for me to be asking all of you (the two of you that are reading this, probably) that same question. If you agree with my reaction and just want me to ‘be myself’ then say so. If you’d rather have something else, say so, because I’m a pretty good faker. At some things.

A lot of people have their blog on their home page, but I don’t like that. I like having a set home page that has a little about the site, a little guidance, and a little taste of what I am. No, who I am.

So I shall set about trying to do that.

I also wanted to make this a site I’d feel comfortable linking to from Facebook and other places; you know, really having it represent me. But I’m not so sure about that. I’m quite finicky about online presence. Or should I say skittish. Both delightful words.

Not that I should even be spending this time here. I have work to do, self-improvement to accomplish. Study!

(Oh, on a perhaps related note, I discovered this place called HubPages where you write about stuff and if lots of people come and read it and click on the various and annoying ads, you get some money. So I’m going to try that out because I need money. What do you think I should write about? It’s supposed to be helpful.)