On The First Day Of My Birthday My True Love Gave To Me…

On the night of the 14th of October I awoke around 5 am the morning of the 15th. There was probably an easier way to say that. I’d had a scratchy throat for a few days and, when I woke up, couldn’t stop coughing. So I went to the kitchen to get my water bottle. I was on my way back to my room when I ran into a flatmate who was just getting back from some party in Leeds.

He said, “Happy birthday.”

What? My sleep-addled brain couldn’t manage this level of conversational incongruence. My mouth said, “It’s not my birthday,” but my mind was thinking, how long was I asleep?

He asked when my birthday was, and not being able to remember the current date, I answered about a week away (it was actually exactly ten days). He responded with “Oh right” and I returned to proper dreamland.

The next day (well, the same day actually) in the morning at a library session another friend, also, told me happy birthday. Huh? It’s not my birthday (I was more confident this time). He said he’d gotten the 15th and 25th mixed up. Fair enough.

But that wasn’t the end of it. In the afternoon yet another flatmate knocked on my door and with a big smile said, “Happy birthday, man.” At that point I should’ve just gone with it, but I again replied with the same insistence. He’d even bought muffins. Well.

Surely birthday wishes from three or more people in a single day necessitates a change in rules. I submit that in this case people should not be bound by the usual one-day-before, one-day-after laws governing Facebook- I mean, any congratulations. Be free, ye newsfeed loiterers. Sorry to those of you obsessed with being first, though.

Let the celebration begin.

What’s a partridge? What’s a pear tree? I don’t know, so please don’t ask me. But I can bet those are terrible gifts to ge~t…

Christmas is coming too, boys and girls. What AM I going to do without access to my Pandora?

[Seeing as the event is now completely passed this is a little out of date, but I suppose I should report that I got a veritable abundance of well-wishes on Facebook, so many that I still have not replied to some of them. Many are content to do a one-size-fits-all thank-you on their status, or worse yet, go through the comments ‘liking’ each one, but I decided that this year I would settle for no less than a personal response to each message. Yes, I hear the calls saying, “Where’s mine, then, I haven’t heard anything back and it’s been over a month!” Yes. I’m sorry. Thinking of things to say to people you wouldn’t otherwise talk to can be quite tiring, you see. Haha. That’s horrible. You’ll get yours soon, I promise.

As for the lack of Pandora I’ve been exploring other options, but you’ll hear about that shortly.]